Lockdown 2.0


So here we are again – in lockdown 2.0 but hopefully this time only for four weeks. One big difference between this lockdown and the last one is the time of year; cold, wet and sometimes stormy weather combined with shorter, dark days makes exercising outside much less appealing. Many of us will be turning to on-line work outs we can follow at home to get us through these four weeks. Itโ€™s important to keep moving and keep doing what you can to stay fit. Unfortunately, as was seen by our members after the last lockdown, this is no substitute for a workout at the gym using the array of equipment thatโ€™s available. Not to mention it can be quite lonely and boring working out on your own.

So keep everything crossed we will be allowed to open again on 3rd December. As soon as we are able to open our doors the team will be ready to welcome all our lovely members back and any new members who might like to join us! Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

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